Tsun-Tzu Wang's study (co-authored with Yao-Ying Lai), titled "Acceptability of code-switching phrases", was accepted by The 5th International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-5), Waseda University, Japan.
Yi-Chi Hsiao was awarded the Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
Yi-Chi Hsiao (co-authored with Yao-Ying Lai) presented a study titled "Emotion on the Scale: Testing EMOTIONS are WEIGHT Metaphor" at AMLaP-Asia 2024, National University of Singapore.
Mei-Chun Kuo (co-authored with Yao-Ying Lai) presented a study titled "Processing the Fuzzy Meaning of Mandarin 'Nong-Complement' Structure" at AMLaP-Asia 2024, National University of Singapore.
Yao-Ying Lai gave an invited talk, titled "Multi-dimensional investigation of human language processing" at The 25th National Conference Linguistics (NCL 25), National Tsing-Hua University.
恭喜 許涴筑 順利通過碩士論文口試!
Wan-Chu Hsu successfully passed her MA. thesis oral defense!
Piñango, M., Lai, Y.-Y. and colleagues' study, "Comprehension of English for-adverbials: the nature of lexical meanings and the neurocognitive architecture of language" was accepted by Topics in Cognitive Science for publication.
恭喜 邱郁茹 順利通過碩士論文口試!
Yu-Ju Chiu successfully passed her MA. thesis oral defense!王存慈 於碩二下學期通過碩士論文提案口試
Tsun-Tzu Wang passed her MA thesis proposal oral defense.
Yao-Ying Lai's study, "Contextual modulation of the neural network underlying the processing of compositional nontransparent meaning" was accepted by Journal of Neurolinguistics for publication.
恭喜 陳薌如 順利通過碩士論文口試!
Xiang-Ru Chen successfully passed her MA. thesis oral defense!
恭喜 林茜羽 順利通過碩士論文口試!
Chien-Yu Lin successfully passed her MA. thesis oral defense!
Yao-Ying Lai gave an invited Keynote speech at the Thought & Language - Mental Architecture of Language Processing (TL-MAPLL) conference. University of Tokyo, Japan.
Yao-Ying Lai, Hiromu Sakai, and Michiru Makuuchi's study, "Neural underpinnings of processing combinatorial unstated meaning and the influence of individual cognitive style" was accepted by Cerebral Cortex for publication.
Wan-Chu Hsu passed her MA thesis proposal oral defense.
許涴筑 於碩二下學期通過碩士論文提案口試
Yao-Ying Lai, David Braze, and Maria Piñango's study, "The time-course of contextual modulation for underspecified meaning: an eye-movement study," was accepted by Mental Lexicon for publication.
Yao-Ying Lai & Huei-ling Lai's study, "Impact of social cognitive propensity on the processing of nontransparent sentential meaning," was accepted by Journal of Pragmatics for publication.
Yu-Ju Chiu presented her thesis work at The 23rd National Conference of Linguistics (NCL23).
邱郁茹 於第23屆台灣語言學學會年度會議 (NCL23) 發表碩論研究成果
Yao-Ying Lai gave an invited talk at The 23rd National Conference of Linguistics (NCL23)
Yao-Ying Lai 獲政大通識中心特優教學助理指導教師獎
Chien-Yu Lin was accepted as a visiting Chinese Language Teaching Assistant of the Chinese Flagship Program at Western Kentucky University (WKU), mediated by Ministry of Education for 2022-2023.
林茜羽 獲選 教育部華語領航項目 美國西肯塔基大學 華語教學助理
Yu-Ju Chiu & Chien-Yu Lin's studies were accepted as oral presentations at NCL 23 (National Conference of Linguistics)!
邱郁茹 & 林茜羽 獲台灣語言學學會 NCL23 年度會議 口頭發表
Xiang-Ru Chen, Yu-Lun Chen, Yu-Ju Chiu, Chien-Yu Lin (alphabetically ordered) presented their studies at NTU(Taiwan)-UT(Japan)-UCL Linguistic Festa 2022 (a collaborative international workshop among labs).
陳宇倫、陳薌如、邱郁茹、林茜羽 (alphabetically ordered) 於 台-日-英 跨國 Linguistic Festa 2022 發表個別研究
Yu-Ju Chiu & Chien-Yu Lin passed their MA thesis proposals!
邱郁茹&林茜羽 於碩二上學期通過碩士論文提案審查
A new book chapter, titled "Linguistic factors for processing iterative meaning in Mandarin Chinese" by Huei-ling Lai and Yao-Ying Lai was accepted for publication, to appear in <<Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics>>.
Yu-Ju Chiu & Chien-Yu Lin won the graduate student fellowship of the Master/PhD program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, NCCU.
邱郁茹&林茜羽 榮獲 國立政治大學華語文教學博碩士學位學程・研究生獎學金 ! [link]
Yao-Ying Lai 獲政大通識中心特優教學助理指導教師獎
Chien-Yu Lin 林茜羽 gave an oral presentation, titled "鄰項個數效果在中文雙字詞的辨識歷程影響與華語詞彙教學之應用—以偏正結構為例" at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language Teaching.
Xiang-Ru Chen 陳薌如 gave an oral presentation, titled "基於語料庫之書面財經華語搭配詞研究" at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language Teaching.
Yu-Ju Chiu 邱郁茹 gave an oral presentation, titled "詞彙接觸頻率對於二語學習者學習華語新詞之影響" at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language Teaching.
Yao-Ying Lai gave an invited talk, titled "Cognitive and brain mechanisms of language comprehension", at Linguistic Society of Taiwan.
Yao-Ying Lai gave an invited talk, titled "Brain mechanisms of semantic/pragmatic processing of sentences" at Leipzig lectures on language: combinatorics in language 2021. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences.
Chien-Yu Lin gave an oral presentation and Yu-Ju Chiu gave a poster presentation at Japan-Taiwan Linguistic Festa (collaborative international workshop of 7 labs).
Chien-Yu Lin got an oral presentation at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language!
Xiang-Ru Chen got an oral presentation at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language!
Yu-Ju Chiu got an oral presentation at The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language!
"Thinking is my fighting" -- Virginia Woolf