Prof. Maria Mercedes Piñango (PI)
Graduate Institute of Linguistics
Yale University, U.S.A.
美國 耶魯大學 語言學研究所
Dr. Michiru Makuuchi (PI)
Director of Section of Neuropsychology, Research Institute
National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, Japan
日本 國立障害者中心 研究所
Cheryl Lacadie
fMRI research specialist
Yale Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC)
Yale University, U.S.A.
美國 耶魯大學 磁振造影研究中心
Prof. Hiromu Sakai (PI)
School of Creative Science and Engineering
Waseda University, Japan
日本 早稻田大學 理工學術研究部
Prof. Ashwini Deo (PI)
Department of Linguistics
University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
美國 德州大學奧斯汀分校 語言學系
Prof. Huei-ling Lai (PI)
Department of English
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
台灣 國立政治大學 英國語文學系
Dr. David Braze
Data analyst & Consulting Scientist
Former scientist at Haskins Laboratory
Yale University, U.S.A.
"The hardest problems of pure and applied science can only be solved by the open collaboration of the world-wide scientific community." -- Kennenth G. Wilson